He did not weep

When He struggled alone,
Companions asleep, near the throw of a stone.

He did not weep

When betrayed and denied,
Tho the betrayer had walked by His side.

He did not weep

When Barabbas went free,
Tho he was condemned to die on a tree.

He did not weep

'Neath the weight of the Cross,
E'en tho He stumbled, all seemed at loss.

He did not weep

When they spat in His face,
Or robed as a King, to bear our disgrace

He did not weep

When His side had been riven,
Beseeching the Father, that all be forgiven.

Why did He weep

When Lazarus just slept?
Unfathomed Love - then Jesus wept.

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-Elizabeth Wallace Morehead-

Copyright owned by the
Wallace and Morehead


The Christian 

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~ ~April 16, 2003~ ~