
'Neath Angel Wings -

Oe'rshadowed by a love Divine,
She trembled, yet was strong,
A world of darkness, groped for light;
She was chosen from the throng,
Blest art thou - Her kneeling form
Found favor, His will was done,
Her robe of flesh, she freely gave,
To clothe, God's gift and Son.

'Neath Gopher Wood -

Oe'rshadowed by a threatening cloud,
He labored, yet was scorned,
A world of blindness, steeped in sin;
They feared, on threat of harm.
For Forty Days - He sorely cried;
The ark, God's plan remained,
The lamb and lion, came by twos -
The door was shut - it rained.

'Neath Fig-Tree Bloom -

Oe'rshadowed by a blooming branch,
The nation new, yet old;
A world of madness, void of peace,
The wars run hot and cold.
O rocks and mountains, hide His Face.
The judgment on earth begins;
The blackened sun, a moon of blood,
The price men pay for sin.

-Elizabeth Wallace Morehead-

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Wallace and Morehead


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~ ~Updated April 13, 2003 ~ ~