The Flame

What lights a flame -
To glow and burn
When Brotherhood is cast aside,
Knowing not that men have died
To light the flame.

What lights the flame -
The eyes are dim
Deep hatred warps the soul within,
And Freedom fails to step aside,
To light the flame.

What lights the flame -
In Stephen's glow
As men gnashed teeth with stone's cruel blow?
The mouth of Justice opened wide.
Knowing now a martyr died
To light the flame.

What lights the flame -
On Calvary's hill?
A Barabbas now eager? His blood to spill?
No, the veil was rent; We stepped inside
Knowing our Christ had died
To light the flame.

-Elizabeth Wallace Morehead-

Copyright owned by the
Wallace and Morehead


The Christian 

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~ ~ Updated April 13, 2003 ~ ~