Who is Sara Da'Tana???

In August of 1994, I adopted Sara and her buddy Ali. We (my family and I) really didn't need any more cats - we already had two kitties at home. I am a sucker for kitties, especially cute little ones that Sara was. She was only 8 weeks old when we adopted her and Ali.

Sara's name came about in a funny way. I don't really know where I came up with wanting to call her Sara. Her whole name, tho, came from a character on Saturday Night Live - "Rosanna - Rosanna Dana". The "Da'Tana" portion of her name isn't pronounced like the "Dana" portion of Rosanna's name. The vowels are pronounced more like do-ra-me-FA-so LA-te-do.

Sara is a funny little kitty. She will eat pretty much any people food available, including: fried flour tortilla shells with sour cream, onions and cheese on it; teriyaki chicken (the carrots and cabbage she likes best), peanut butter, chocolate, pizza - the list goes on and on and on......

Sara is also quite a talker. She is always pretty noisy. Always has been. She has always made her base of operations in my bedroom on my bed. With my being disabled and in my bedroom most of the time 24/7, that just suits her fine. Of course, if I was in another room for any length of time she would come find me. She has been a real life-saver in many ways over the years, even before I was disabled.

When my daughter was so ill, Sara was right by my side and being a real source of comfort to me. Do animals sense when something is wrong? I believe so.

Sara, at times really gets herself into mischief. One time as a kitten she got herself so wound up in yarn, she was screaming to get loose. The yarn was not only wound every which way around her and her legs, but also around the let of the dining room table. She likes to chew on cellophane (which is a no-no), play with crumpled up tissue paper and likes catnip. Catnip has never made her act silly over the years, until just recently. Go figure that one out!!

This will be all for this time. I am thinking about maybe making a "BLOG" for Sara, but that is down the line - as well as some of her kitty stories!!


Graphics & Content © Starr Lyn - Graphics By Starr
Painting of Cats  ©Jody  Bergsma
Unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited.

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